Which vehicle would you like?
Category O4
Prices from
CHF 69.00
Vehicle details
Seat: 2 - 3
transmission: manual or automatic
Outside measurements: L 534 x W 203 x H 210
Loading Area: L 280 x W 157 x H 138
Max. permissible load: 754 kg ca.95 moving boxes
The vehicles shown are example vehicles. The vehicles may vary in model and make as well as in external dimensions.
Category C4
CHF 89.00
Seats: 3
transmission: manual
Outside Measurement: L 600 x W 205 x H 280
Loading area: L 330 x W 180 x H 180
Max. permissible load: 1100 kg ap. 150 moving boxes
Category H4
CHF 109.00
Outside measurements: L 645 x W 220 x H 340
Loading area: L 411 x W 212 x H 198
Max. permissible load: max. permissible load 815 kg ap. 200 moving boxes